In 1921, the Khilāfat was dissolved and therefore it was not possible to practice Islām in Turkey. The Arabic script was banned, Athān was banned and one faced a death sentence if he taught the Noble Qur'ān. Thousands of sincere Muslims were martyred in holding onto the dearest of all things, īmān and Islām. However, Allāh (swt) has taken the responsibility of guarding His Deen, and we should aspire that Allāh (SWT) accepts us for the protection and propagation of Islām throughout the world. The truth could be suppressed for short while, but it could never be wiped out. There were a number of great personalities who dedicated their lives to uphold the truth, like Shaykh 'Alī Haydar Effendi , Shaykh Hasan, Shaykh Kamal, Shaykh Muhammad Ameen Sirāj and Shaykh Mahmūd Effendi hafizahullāh amongst many others.
In 1950, Adnan Mendres became the Turkish prime minister with absolute majority. He is remembered as, "Shahīd ul Athān", for the role he played in unbanning the Noble Qur'ān, reopening of the Madāris and Masājid, and for reinstating the Athān to Arabic. In general, his policies towards legalizing Islam and the sailent features of īmān like Hajj etc. became the basis for which he was eventually hanged by the military junta after the 1960 coup d'etat at the gallows on the islands of Imrali on 17 September 1961.
With the mercy and grace of Allāh (swt), despite the challenging circumstances globally, we find that Turkey, under the able leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (May Allāh (swt) protect him) is progressing significantly in every field.
In this, book, a translation of Turk Nāda se Turk Dānā Tak (The Turks: From the Unenlightened to the Enlightened), Muftī Abū Lubābah dāmat barakātuhum has disclosed in detail all the progress that has been made in Turkey and the threats that the government and people there face internally and from outside. This work was published before the unsuccessful attempted coup d'etat in Turkey.
May Allāh (swt) accept from the author, translator, and all those involved in the work of getting this work before you. May Allāh (swt) accept us all to follow in the footsteps of the great and noble true scholars and leaders who preserved and protected Islām in Turkey and may He grant us a share of the goodness that will come out of it.
The Turks from the Unenlightened to the Enlightened
Mufti Abu Lubabah
Zam Zam Publishers