Aarif Billah Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Rahimullah was one of those reformers at the end of the 20th century whom Allah had used to redirect scores of people from lives of materialism to lives of spirituality. He was blessed with the unique tact and ability to discipline people's hearts from the attraction of this world, especially illicit love affairs and sensual desires, and incline their hearts to the love and recognition of Allah.
His lectures and advices contained a balm for the hearts and were brimming with the love of Allah. In these aspects, he was reminiscent of Maulana Jalauddin Rumi Rahimahullah.In the modern and fast-progressing 20th century. Maualan Hakeem Akhtar Rahimahullah had therefore been refrred to as the RUMI of his era.
This biography was prepared with the wish to introduce this great scholar to the English speaking world and all those who are unacquainted with his life. it mainly consists of his life experiences which he narrated in his own words, thus being a very reliable and authentic source of information about his life. it is hoped that the reader will draw important lessons from his life and benefit from his experiences and advices, all of which are very relevant to current times.
The Rumi of the 20th Century
Spiritual Light Publications