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The purpose of this book is to explain the importance of performing salaah in the musjid in order for one to fulfil one’s deeni obligation correctly. Many incidents of the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu ‘anhum), Taabi’een (rahimahullah), Tab-e-Taabi’een (rahimahullah) and the Salaf have been presented which highlight the great importance that these esteemed personalities attached to performing salaah in the musjid.


Apart from this, some of the severe warnings that have been sounded in the Mubaarak Ahaadith for those who omit performing salaah with jamaat in the musjid have been mentioned. At the end of the book, some of the Fataawa of our Akaabir (rahimahullah) in regard to performing the fardh salaah at home or at other places besides the musjid have been included.

The Importance of Performing Salaah with Jamaat in the Masjid

  • Author

    Mufti Zakaryya Makda

  • Volumes


  • Publisher

    Madrasah Taleemuddeen

  • Edition

    3rd Edition, 2023

  • Pages


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