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The incident of Karbala has always, throughout the centuries of Islam, been regarded as a sensitive topic of discussion. One will undoubtedly be correct in saying that this gruesome and tragic incident was among the greatest of trials and tribulations ever recorded in the annals of Islamic history. In every era of Islam, commencing from the golden era of Sahaabah until this day and age, the Ulama of the Ummah explained the great sacrifices which the Sahaabah, Taabi’een and the luminaries of Islam made for Deen. Among these sacrifices was the selfless sacrifice of Hazrat Husain RA and the Ahle Bayt at Karbala. The Ulama of the Ummah therefore explained the incident of Karbala with the primary aim of differentiating and distinguishing between the jamaat of haqq (group on the truth) and the jamaat of baatil (group on falsehood).

In this battle, Hazrat Husain RA, the beloved grandson of Rasulullah PBUH, the Ahle Bayt (the blessed family of Rasulullah PBUH) and his companions were brutally massacred and ruthlessly killed. They were the illustrious Sahaabah of Rasulullah PBUH and through oppressing them one could only invite the divine curse and wrath of Allah Ta’ala on himself. Over and above their being Sahaabah, the fact that they were from the blessed family of Nabi PBUH only intensified the crime in its severity and heinousness.

Though the incident of Karbala was most tragic and heart- breaking, Islam commands us, as Muslims, to maintain justice when dealing with this incident and other incidents of a similar nature. Islam strongly disapproves and completely condemns adopting the path of extremism in any matter. Hence we should neither adopt the path of the Shias nor the path of the Khawaarij, as both these deviant sects have gone to either extreme in dealing with the situation.

This treatise has been prepared to explain the incidents and events that occurred during the reign of Yazeed as well as to reveal the mainstream view of the Sahaabah RA, Taabi’een RA and the luminaries of the various eras of Islam regarding Yazeed.

Revealing the True Facts of Yazeed, The Incident of Karbala

  • Author

    Mufti Zakaryya Makda

  • Volumes


  • Publisher

    Madrasah Taleemuddeen

  • Edition

    3rd Edition, 2023

  • Pages


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