Throughout the course of history, the acquisition of knowledge with regards to matters beyond general man’s reach has always been a coveted treasure, for which scholars, philosophers, astronomers, and scientists devoted great portions of their lives. The results of their research and experience were forever to be appreciated and considered as aids for those that would strive in these fields in later years. Due to much of their views however being based upon assumption, the scope for error would always be present. Thus, no aspect of these sciences would ever achieve a mantle described as ‘the absolute truth’.
Wherever and whenever theories of science and philosophy would stand in contradiction to knowledge derived from the Qur’ān and the Sunnah, these scientific and philosophical theories would be out-rightly refuted, unless scope for interpretation could be found.
During the Abbasid era, when the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers were translated into Arabic and promoted, simple-minded Muslims as well as many so-called ‘intellectual Muslims’ were thrown into the deception of regarding Greek philosophy as an absolute truth, in the light of which verses of the Qur’ān and the Aḥādīth should be interpreted.
Through the efforts of many Muslim scholars the hold of philosophy over the minds and hearts of the general Muslim public was finally broken. By that time however, many who had grown up as Muslims, had unfortunately already developed atheistic minds. With the renaissance, from the 14th century onwards, the superiority of human intellect and classical philosophy over the teachings of the Bible was firmly embedded in the minds and hearts of the Christian masses.
People would continue visiting the churches and celebrating their religious festivals, but within their hearts and minds a humanistic, atheistic inclination was predominant. Any teaching of the Bible which was found contrary to scientific research would be either totally ignored or interpreted in accordance to the demands of ‘modern science’. Religious books were no longer afforded the mantle of being a source of ‘true knowledge’, but were rather kept aside as a mere item of ‘blessings’, to be recited on occasions of joy or mourning. When Christian ‘intellectuals’ found the teachings of the Bible in conflict with ‘modern research’, doubts against their faith arose, and when they found their religious elders unable to reply satisfactorily to these conflicting narrations, their doubts turned into anger and resentment towards their faith.
Thus, through the avenue of ‘scientific thought and research’ the authority of the Bible over the minds and hearts of its adherents collapsed and the authority of ‘supreme science’ took its place.
How Should a Muslim view Modern Science
Mawlana IRidwan ibn Dawud Kajee
Spiritual Light Publications