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Every person experiences some form of sickness during the course of life. For a Muslim, Allah has made sickness a means of great rewards and blessings. It is also a swift and speedy medium of attaining a very special relationship and close bond with Him. The sick are very special in the eyes of Allah. However, many who are afflicted with sickness view it as a misfortune or as an expression of the anger of Allah, and thereby fall prey to depression and misery. Often, due to suffering from extreme pain, a sick person person fails to remember Allah’s innumerable favours upon him and utters many incorrect statements which ruin the reward and benefits of the sickness.


Due to lack of proper Islamic knowledge on this subject, a Muslim is sometimes confused as to what his reaction aught to be when Allah tests him with sickness. At the same time a sick person is in need of constant encouragement during his sickness, for which Islam has instituted the great Sunnah of Iyaadah (visiting the sick)


This book will InshaAllah serve to encourage those who afflicted with sickness and link them with their Creator during this difficult time












Finding Solace During Sickness

  • Author

    Mawlana Imraan Kajee

  • Volumes


  • Publisher

    Muslims at Work, South Africa

  • Edition


  • Pages


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