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Amongst the many attacks made against Nabi (PBUH) by his enemies was the allegation of slander against Aisha (RA) his beloved wile.


This book provides a detailed analysis of this incident by drawing from the literary sources of the classical scholars of Islam. The story unfolds in a captivating manner and stimulates feelings of anger, anguish, sadness, sympathy, joy, relief, etc., allowing the reader to identify with the state of mind which affected Nabi (PBUH) and the household of his best friend Abu Bakr (RA).


Aisha's (RA) story combines many of the teachings mentioned at various points in the Qur'an and ahatlith regarding hijab, slander. backbiting, chastity, social etiquette, respect, etc. It also provides a contextual perspective for the laws of slanderas enshrined in the Qur'an. Importantly, this book also includes information about the honorable rank of Aisha (RA) and her father Abu Bakr (RA) according to the Qur'an and ahaadith.


This incident is extremely relevant in today's times when deteriorating morals, materialism and unbridled technology have caused modern man to forget the basic rules governing social interaction.













Aisha ؓ and the Story of the Slander

  • Author

    Mawlana Afzal Ismail

  • Volumes


  • Publisher

    Muslims at Work Publications

  • Edition


  • Pages


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