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Dr Ahmad Snobar's highly-acclaimed masterpiece, this book is considered amongst the best contemporary researches into the transmission of hadith.


Using data analysis and other modern research techniques, he paints a detailed picture of how hadith was transmitted over different periods, right until it was preserved in hadith books.

He also goes into detail in the systems adopted by the master muhaddithin to check the soundness of narrations and to vet narrators.


It should be noted that this book is aimed at a specific audience, who could appreciate the huge effort put into it.

Amongst them are:
-    Hadith specialists
-    Those are have studied or have studied Western/Orientalist writings and studies into hadith literature
-    Those who work with intellectuals and professionals, who probably studied the Orientalist attempts at casting doubt on the soundness of ahadith.


This book has the ability, insha Allah, to clear doubts that exist in the minds of many who have studied Orientalist works on ahadith and is a must for anyone in this field.


Sadly, very few of our ulama pay proper attention to this important field, when we should be creating specialists who can clear up the doubts in the minds of so many of our young men and women who attend universities.

In addition to those who have become murtad openly, we probably have a large number who have given in to these doubts and are “intellectually murtad” though they outwardly act as Muslim.

It is time we focussed serious attention to this problem.


Mufti Hussain Kadodia





من النبي إلى البخاري

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  • Author

    Ahmed Sanubar

  • Volumes


  • Publisher

    Dar al-Fath

  • Edition

    4th Edition, 2022

  • Pages


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